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Retiran de la venta un libro de cocina de una estrella de Instagram por contener recetas peligrosas


La editorial Rodale Books ha retirado de las librerías un libro de recetas de Johnna Holmgren, una bloguera de Instagram, tras recibir advertencias sobre el supuesto uso ingredientes potencialmente tóxicos para la preparación de la comida.

Según el portal, la mujer, que tiene 130.000 de suscriptores en la red social, ha incluido en su libro recetas que promueven el uso de setas crudas silvestres que pueden causar intoxicación.

It's HERE! The final cover for our cookbook titled, "Tales from a Forager's Kitchen: The Ultimate Field Guide to Evoke Curiosity and Wonderment" I cannot thank you all enough for your vote! It meant so much and really helped us narrow down everyone's favorite. This cover encompasses the timeless and magical feel we would want to see on our shelf for years ahead, like an heirloom that would last beyond one season. Max designed the illustrations on the front which is so deeply special to me. He tucked in a sun because we call Luella our "sunbeam", a moon because we call Minoux our "moonbeam" and one last element that represents our next baby girl. See if you can guess what it is! 🌲With an enormous amount of gratitude to the team @rodalebooks, our cookbook is OFFICIALLY available for pre-order right now at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and through the link in my profile! 😭What this means to us as creatives for the past six years is EVERYTHING. It has been an incredible up and down journey to make a living for a family with these types of projects. Then, to have had the opportunity to work on one together and now see it in real life, page by page, is too much to handle. I am asking and hoping that you order yourself a copy or two or twelve and one for those you love! What exactly is this cookbook? It has over 80 beautiful recipes that I feel really proud of, but it's more than just measuring out cups and ounces. It's filled with writings that provoke a connection to the earth, a curiosity in the kitchen, stories from raising our girls in the woods, a few fairytales that were SO enjoyable to write and includes A LOT of tangible tips on foraging! I WANT TO BE IN YOUR HOME. (But not in a creepy way) Order now through the link in my bio!

Публикация от Johnna Holmgren (@foxmeetsbear)

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